Luke Wroblewski
Not all screens size are equal
- There are so many screen sizes, and as designer, we need to design for screen effectively
- Smart phones and tablets are dominant now, it's global opportunity to reach users
- When designing mobile, compressing white space or moving important action above the fold
- SHORT AND WIDE: 1) tighten up 2) move up call to actions
- TALL AND NARROW: 1) Move secondary things off canvas 2) reposition things to bottom tend to work better because people’s behavior
- Touch screen: is keyboard the only way to interact with touch screen? People need to interact with the device directly. There are so many input methods. Some people might ask “Can’t we just detect input type and change the interface?" But why switch input method,l we should support both.
- screen size is a poor proxy but it’s all we got
- support all input and communicate what’s possible
- Netflix case: it's not based on screen size, it's based on viewing distance! They turn it into human factors question and research how we interact with the devices. He goes into the store and measure how big it is or it needs to be to get information. Turns out, the conclusion is 0.5 inch per foot.
- you don’t want to have the same experiences on desktop and phone, you want to have a different experiences.