Samatha Warren was the creator of style tile and she shared her experiences on how to solve problem in big organization and how to apply guerrilla design tactics in your design process. You can find the slides here.
Problem Solving in Big Organization
- Sometimes design problems can be organization problems. Sometimes it’s more important to make sure the idea get through
- Think like guerrilla? Flexible, fast and persistent
- Olek - flexible: use the material she prepared in advance, and adapt to the situation
- Banksy - act fast, get things done and get out
- Invader - persistent. The invader is everywhere! He kept going.
- “Don’t wait for an invitation to do the work you want” wren Lanier @heywren
How to use Guerrilla Strategy
- break down problem into smaller chunk and map it into your framework, just try and error
- There are so many talks and articles about the tools we can use, however, the best tools are those you know well and can access quickly
- Build toolbox
- There is more than one way of doing things
- No matter what we think it works best for the client, always make sure we ask questions, understanding the situation
- james buckhouse @buckhouse: Story Map: visual communication of the experience
- Wireflow Map: big pictures with small details
- Style tile: people use it differently and it’s up to you how to use it
- Make it feel real when it’s not yet real
- Use macaw to show how responsive look like
- A designer is someone who pays attention to the world. It’s important to pick on the cues to translate into money
- Increase revenue
- increase new business
- decrease cost
- Harvest - she track every deliverables so that in the end she can prove to the client style tile is saving money
- Share to the company and community, and understand that there’re multiples ways to work. Change the way you think, try different frameworks